複製禁止。画面をクリックすると拡大します。Reproduction prohibited. Click on the screen to enlarge.
複製禁止。画面をクリックすると拡大します。Reproduction prohibited. Click on the screen to enlarge.

桜井清香(さくらい-きよか)『米騒動絵巻』二巻 「泥江(ひじえ)橋付近カブトビール前」(徳川美術館所蔵(名古屋市)  ©徳川美術館イメージアーカイブ/DNPartcom)

Sakurai Kiyoka  "Rice Riot Picture Scroll" Volume 2 "In front of Kabuto Beer near Hizie Bridge" (Tokugawa Art Museum Collection (Nagoya city) © Tokugawa Art Museum Image Archive / DNPartcom)


 Sakurai Kiyoka  is a Japanese-style painter who completed the Showa  fukugen mosha (restoration duplicate) of "Genji monogatari emaki" (National treasure "the Illustrated Handscroll of the Tale of Genji" in the Tokugawa Art Museum). Kiyoka started sketching one month after the rice riots in Nagoya to keep a record.

2021.3.19 update

「泥江橋カブトビール前」の現在の風景。2023.11.17 管理者撮影。Photographed by administrator. Current scenery“ In front of Kabuto Beer near Hizie Bridge”
「泥江橋カブトビール前」の現在の風景。2023.11.17 管理者撮影。Photographed by administrator. Current scenery“ In front of Kabuto Beer near Hizie Bridge”





   At the time of the Nagoya Rice Riots in 1918, there was a river called Egawa in the north-south direction (in the illustrated scroll of ``Rice Riot Picture Scroll'', north is on the right and south is on the left). To the right of the picture scroll image was the Hizie Bridge spanning the Egawa River. The streetcar tracks can be seen on the west side of Egawa.

  To the right (north side) of the picture scroll was Koneya-cho, and the core of Koneya-cho was the rice exchange. On August 12, crowds from Tsuruma Park and the city headed for the Rice Exchange and repeatedly clashed with the police and army guarding the area near Doe Bridge.

  Currently, the tracks have been removed and Egawa has been reclaimed and turned into a road. The road with three lanes on each side in the left-right direction (north-south direction) is the Nagoya City Road Egawa Line. The elevated area is the Nagoya Expressway (Central Ring C1).

Updated on 2023.12.30 


「米騒動100年」 ー宇部炭鉱・山口県・全国の米騒動の研究と教育の総合サイトー

"100th anniversary of the rice riot"  ― A comprehensive site for study and education on the rice riot in Ube coal mine , Yamaguchi prefecture AND NATIONWIDE ―

はじめに Introduction


 2018 is the 100th year since the rice riots occurred in 1918 (Taisho 7). This homepage was created with the aim of integrating research and education in the rice riots. I will update it from time to time.








The historical position and historical significance of the rice riots

  The rice riots in 1918 was the biggest behavior of the public in modern times.  As a result, the "non-constitutional" Terauchi Masatake Cabinet resigned in a body to take responsibility for the rice riots and Hara Takasi cabinet, a first full scale political party cabinet, was established.  In other words, the rice riots is the starting point of the so-called "Taisho democracy" and is at the pioneering position of democracy today.  "Taisho democracy" means politically the political party cabinet system  (Taisho 7/1918) and the enactment of the Men’s Popular Election Law (Taisho 14/1925). Yoshino Sakuzo called this "Minpon-shugi" because the era was under the emperor's sovereignty.

The framework of Japan after World War II was determined by the "Demilitarization" and "Democratization" of the Potsdam Declaration, and the Japanese Constitution that embodies that.  The Potsdam Declaration states that “the Japanese government shall remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people”.  I consider that “the revival of democratic tendencies” refers to the rebirth of "Taisho democracy" I consider that postwar democracy could develop smoothly because it had a base of "Taisho Democracy".  From this, I consider the historical significance of the rice riots to be the starting point of "Taisho democracy" and today's democracy. 

"Taisho democracy" didn't permeate among the people, and was driven to the defensive by the Showa Depression (Showa5/1930) and the Manchurian incident (Showa6/1931).  The Emperor Military State System ("Kokutai") was established in the February 26th Incident ("Ni-niroku-jiken" Showa11/1936), and Japan, which has left the League of Nations(Showa8/1933), took the path of international isolation and  total war.  The Japanese-Chinese war (Showa12/1937), which began when Japan invaded China, was lengthened by the resistance of Chinese people.  To break the Japanese-Chinese war Japan began the Asia-Pacific War (Showa16/1941) in search of resources.  As a result, "the Empire of Japan " was destroyed on August 15, 1945. 

Democracy in Postwar Japan has started from here, and we must continue to develop democracy.  We never make the same mistake.
















<< Purpose of creating a homepage and how to use it for students >>

This HP is mainly composed of research and education of the rice riots of 1918 (Taisho 7) in Ube Village (Ube Coal Mine) and Yamaguchi Prefecture. One of the purposes of creating this website is to make people aware that rice riots are occurring not only in Toyama prefecture, where they are studying at school, but also in Ube village and various parts of Yamaguchi prefecture.

 The page with [Student] in the table of contents is a page that students can study. The content of this page is based on high school students and strives to be easy for high school students to understand. There are also pages for faculty members and pages for general and researchers.

    The new junior high school and high school curriculum guidelines course of study will be fully implemented in junior high school from FY 2021 (R3), and will be implemented annually progression in high school from FY 2022 (R4). Problem-based learning called active learning (independent, interactive, and deep learning) is more important than ever as a history lesson method. In addition, as a lesson content, it is important to understand history more closely and deeply by studying regional learning in relation to Japanese history and world history. I would be happy if this HP helps.

  It also aims to develop and provide research-based community learning materials. This HP can be freely used as a teaching material, and currently, 4 plans (modern / ancient) (click / internal link) of the learning guidance plan of high school Japanese history B created by the administrator are posted. We would like to collaborate with other area studies and teaching material development groups in order to promote research and education on the rice riot in the region.


<< Location of problems and research issues >>

  At 8:10 pm on August 18, 1918, 13 people were killed when the army fired live ammunition at the miners etc. who pushed out to release their fellows who were detained to the Ube Branch Police Station of the Funaki Police Station. It is estimated that 33 people have died in the rice riots nationwide, and 40% of them are dead in front of the Ube Branch Police Station. Since the death toll of other rice riots is at most four, the number of deaths from the rice riots in Ube Village is unusual nationwide, and I think it is necessary to investigate. August 18th of this year (2022) is the 104rd year after the firing. The truth-finding of this case is both a motivation for the administrator's research and a research subject.


Revision of High School Curriculum Guidelines , and Trends in Geographical History Department

 In March 2018, the next high school curriculum guidelines (click / internal link) were announced, and the Geographical History Department (Japanese history, world history, geography) was significantly reorganized. This reorganization will have a great impact on future curriculum (click / internal link), lesson content / method (learning guidance plan), university entrance examination (click / internal link), etc. (University entrance common tests based on the new Curriculum Guidelines for high school will be available from the 7th year of Reiwa entrance examination {implemented in January 2025}.(click/internal link))  Administrators are interested in (including problems) and expectation for this reorganization and impact. I will create and update related pages focusing on trends of high school the Geographical History Department  (mainly Japanese history), which are related to junior high school and university classes. 


「海の底からの米騒動」  "Rice riot from the bottom of the sea"

宇部興産大橋(山口県宇部市・1982年土木学会田中賞受賞・橋長1020m・高さ36m・鋼トラス橋)。管理者撮影。Ube Kosan Ohashi (Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, 1982 Tanaka Award of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, bridge length 1020 m, height 36 m, steel truss bridge). Taken by the administrator.
宇部興産大橋(山口県宇部市・1982年土木学会田中賞受賞・橋長1020m・高さ36m・鋼トラス橋)。管理者撮影。Ube Kosan Ohashi (Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, 1982 Tanaka Award of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, bridge length 1020 m, height 36 m, steel truss bridge). Taken by the administrator.

宇部・美祢・山陽小野田 大人の社会派ツアー 産業観光バスツアー(クリック・外部リンク)』「宇部港工場見学クルーズと「セメントの道」 船からの工場群見学と宇部興産専用道路」に参加して撮影。 

"Ube / Mine / Sanyo Onoda Adult Social Tour Industrial Sightseeing Bus Tour (Click / External Link)". Taken by participating in "Ube Port Factory Tour Cruise and "Cement Road", Factory Group Tour from Ship, and Ube Kosan Exclusive Road".



 Click on the image to enlarge all the images on the HP.




The development of the Ube village coal mine began on land and developed into a large-scale, mechanized submarine coal mine. Coal mine tunnels was laid all over the seabed of Ube Bay, and the tunnels gradually extended to the offshore seabed. The rock waste produced by tunnel excavation and coal preparation is called ``bota''(slag), and it forms ``botayama''(slag heaps). However, the Ube seabed coal mine was used for land reclamation, so no``botayama'' can be seen. More than 90% of the workers who participated in the rice riot in Ube are workers working in the submarine coal mine, and can be called "rice riot from the bottom of the sea". 

Updated 2023.2.25











Miners were killed twice

  In Ube rice riot, thirteen miners etc. were shot dead by the Army when they rushed to Ube branch of Funaki police station in search of fellow miners’ release (what the miners etc. had was a club only).

  The Army feared public opposition.  So, "a certain Army official " discoursed that the Army shot dead in a legitimate defense after the miners threw a bomb.  The discourse that the miners threw the bomb is fabrication.

  The Osaka Asahi Shimbun, the Tokyo Asahi Shimbun, and the Hochi Shimbun, wrote articles about this discourse of unknown caller.  For this reason, miners throwing bombs has become a historical fact. Now, one of the leading figures in modern and contemporary history has written in his book "Taisho Democracy" (Iwanami Shinsho, page 86) that miners used "dynamite." After being pointed out by the administrator, the author and Iwanami Shinsho acknowledged the error and promised to correct it in the next printing. However, "dynamite" was simply changed to "bomb," and there was no change in historical perception. We are concerned that the description in this long-selling book by a well-known historical researcher will lead to the continued ``fabrication'' of the idea that Ube miners used ``dynamite'' or ``bombs.''

  The miners etc. were killed twice.  First, miners etc. shot dead by the Army, next, they were killed by the Army's fabrications and the unjustified treatment groundlessly described by major newspapers and historians.

   If this situation is not corrected, personality of miners etc. are denied by history as a group that was shot dead because of their inhuman actions of throwing bombs, and I think they can't die even if they die.

  The Army justified the shooting by fabrication that miners had thrown bombs.   What the Army fired live ammunition is exactly inhuman.

  Do not forgive the Army to reverse history by manipulating information using major newspapers.



























<< Reference >> Why did the Army convey the forged information to the "Tokyo Asahi Shimbun" and "Hochi Shimbun"?

The summer Koshien tournament, which has the most TV fans in Japan's current student sports, was founded in 1915 (T4) by the Osaka Asahi Shimbun (hereinafter referred to as "Daicho"). And the New Year's Hakone Ekiden was realized in 1920 (T9) by the "Hochi Shimbun" (hereinafter "Hochi") in cooperation with student activities. Currently, the summer Koshien tournament is sponsored by the Asahi Shimbun and Koyaren, and the Hakone Ekiden is sponsored by the Kanto Student Athletics Federation and co-sponsored by the Yomiuri Shimbun.

"Tokyo Asahi Shimbun" (hereinafter "Toucho") is a newspaper that "Daicho" acquired the newspaper in Tokyo and launched (it is famous that Natsume Soseki was a novel reporter). In 1940 (S15), "Tocho" merged with "Daicho" and both newspapers were renamed to "Asahi Shimbun". And, in 1942 (S17), "Hochi" was merged with "Yomiuri Shimbun" to become "Yomiuri-Hochi" due to the policy of integrating newspapers. After the war, "Hochi" became independent, but after that, it became "Sports Hochi" under the umbrella of "Yomiuri Shimbun".


In the Taisho era, the enrollment rate for compulsory education (6 years) exceeded 99% in 1920 (Taisho 9), and the literacy rate increased, and the number of secondary and higher education institutions increased. It was an era when the number of newspaper subscriptions increased dramatically against the backdrop of an increase in the middle class of cities centered on Tokyo and Osaka due to economic development. In the 1920s, the circulation of "Daicho" and "Osaka Mainichi Shimbun" (hereinafter "Daimai") reached 700,000 to 800,000, and that of "Hochi" and "Tocho" reached 200,000 to 300,000. In the Meiji era, newspapers focused on politics, but in the Taisho era, newspapers that integrated politics, diplomacy, economy, society, and culture became popular.

In Tokyo during the rice riot period, the "Tokyo Five Major Newspapers" (Tokyo NichiNichi Shinbun, Jiji Shinpo, Kokumin Shinbun, Tokyo Asahi Shinbun, Hochi Shinbun) expanded the number of copies, and "Hochi" was the best-selling newspaper in Tokyo. In addition, the newspaper with the largest circulation in Japan was "Daicho" in Osaka, and "Tocho" in Tokyo was a newspaper affiliated with "Daicho".

It is speculated that the fact that the Army selected reporters for "Hochi" and "Tocho" in Tokyo and talked with fabrication of the bomb throwing of miners reflected this situation. In other words, it can be understood that the Army attempted to manipulate public opinion by working on the largest newspapers in Tokyo and Osaka.


The starting point of the current summer Koshien (Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture) tournament, "the 1st National High School Baseball Championship," began in 1915 (Taisho 4) at Toyonaka Grand in Osaka Prefecture. President Murayama Ryohei of "Daicho" held the ceremonial opening pitch at the opening ceremony.

At the 4th tournament in August 1918 (T7), 14 representative schools in each district were decided and gathered at Naruo Stadium (currently Nishinomiya City). However, due to the intensified rice riots in Osaka and Kobe, the national tournament was postponed just before and then canceled.


During the rice riots, "Daicho" led a movement to overthrow the Terauchi Cabinet, opposed the Siberian intervention, criticized the government's rice price policy, and pursued the responsibility of the cabinet that caused the rice riots. Therefore, the newspaper censors of the Osaka Prefectural Police carefully watched the article of "Daicho". Then, the article of "Daicho" was described in the evening edition (issued on 25th) (T7) dated August 26, 1918, as "A white rainbow penetrate the sun" due to a proofreading error. "A white rainbow penetrate the sun" is a sign of civil war. 

"Daicho" faced a crisis of issuance ban due to the application of newspaper law violations by the authorities, and boycotts of subscribers occurred. In addition, an incident occurred in which President Murayama was attacked by a member of Kokuryukai. In order to survive this crisis, President Murayama resigned, and Torii Sosen of managing editor and Hasegawa Nyozekan of social director (secondary school championship baseball tournament planning) left the company. This is called the "White Rainbow Incident".

"Daicho" has succumbed to the suppression of speech by the state power, and since then, it has been pointed out that the diagram of "people / newspapers" vs. "power" conflict has disappeared. I think that this was one of the reasons why Japan could not extend democracy and became an inclination toward fascism (emperor system militarism national system (national polity)).

 The article that the miner of the Ube coal mine threw a bomb was published on August 23, 1918 (T7) in three newspapers, "Daicho" (information from "Tocho"), "Tocho", and "Hochi". During this period, "Daicho" was trying to defeat the Terauchi Cabinet in collaboration with the demands of the people, but on the other hand, it was linked with the Army and reported the legitimacy of the shooting at Ube village. It can be seen that "Daicho", which had a great influence on the trend of public opinion during the Taisho era when the activities of the people became active, had complicated circumstances due to the conflict of editorial policies within the company and how to deal with power.

 After the "White Rainbow Incident," "Daicho" changed its policy to "unbiased and nonpartisan newspaper," which means neutrality, and lost its anti-power stance. After this, in the Manchurian Incident, despite the non-expansion policy of the Minseito Cabinet of cooperative diplomacy, leading newspapers instigated public opinion by supporting and praising the actions of the Kwantung Army and expanded the number of copies.

 The Kwantung Army founded Manchukuo (1932 / S7.3mo), ignoring the opposition of the Inukai Tsuyoshi Cabinet, which became the last political party cabinet before the war. For this reason, Inukai was shot dead at the Prime Minister's Office (May 15 Incident 1932 / S7). At this time, it is pointed out that "we can understand by speaking" that Inukai tried to persuade the Navy youth officer was democracy, and that "no questions asked" that the youth officer shouted was a word that symbolized fascism. This incident marked a turning point from "Taisho Democracy" to fascism. 


“Daicho" and "Daimai" and 130 companies issued a joint declaration to approve Manchukuo which was founded by the Kwantung Army (1932 / S7.12mo), and supported the withdrawal of the League of Nations (1933 / S8.3mo).

 In the Asia-Pacific War, newspapers also cooperated with the military, reporting the imperial headquarters announcement that, for example, touted the defeated Battle of Midway as a victory. The Asia-Pacific War has caused the horrors of war for people in the Asia-Pacific region, with 21 million deaths in China (announced in 1985). As for the Japanese people, about 3.1 million people, including ordinary people and soldiers, were killed in the inland and outland (Gaichi) due to the total war. The problems of damage and harm caused by the war are still ongoing, and the scars of the war have not healed yet. And International issues (territorial disputes, comfort women / conscripted worker issues, etc.) remain.

 On August 15, 1945 (S20), Japan made a Copernican Revolution from fascism to democracy, this time overnight. I presume that it was not easy for the Japanese people to accept this change in the socio-political system. The reason why this happened cannot be understood without studying and thinking about the modern history of Japan (1853-1945) after Perry's arrival. In that sense, I think that the subject "Modern and Contemporary History" that must be taken in class, which is scheduled to be introduced in 2022 (R4) and is centered on modern history, will play a major role.

 In addition, journalism such as newspapers, television, and the Internet at the present location must take seriously the history that played a part in destroying Japan by catering to power's wishes and misleading public opinion by giving priority to management. On top of that, I think that journalism must take responsibility for the future.

2021.2.6 update



羽仁(はに)もと子。婦人之友社画像転写(ウィキペディアより)。Hani Motoko. Image transfer of Fujin no Tomosha (from Wikipedia).
羽仁(はに)もと子。婦人之友社画像転写(ウィキペディアより)。Hani Motoko. Image transfer of Fujin no Tomosha (from Wikipedia).


鳥居素川。日本新聞博物館(横浜市)展示パネル。管理者撮影(撮影許可)。Torii Sosen. Exhibition panel of the Japan Newspaper Museum (Yokohama City). Photographed by the administrator ( photographing is permitted).
鳥居素川。日本新聞博物館(横浜市)展示パネル。管理者撮影(撮影許可)。Torii Sosen. Exhibition panel of the Japan Newspaper Museum (Yokohama City). Photographed by the administrator ( photographing is permitted).


1897 / М30 Japan's first female journalist appointed as a reporter for the Hochi newspaper. In 1903 / М36, "Katei no Tomo" inaugural issue (predecessor of "Fujin no Tomo").1921 / T10 Established Jiyu Gakuen. Her husband, Yoshikazu, was from the private Shuyo Gakusha (predecessor of Yamaguchi Prefectural Hofu High School) and was the editor-in-chief of Hochi Shimbun. Hani Goro is the son-in-law of his eldest daughter. 

  1916 / T5 Became the managing editor of "Osaka Asahi Shimbun". From the standpoint of Minpon Shugi, he argued to attack the unconstitutional politics of the Terauchi Cabinet, which is the cabinet of domain clique, military clique and bureaucrat. 





  "White Rainbow Incident (Hakkoujiken)". Osaka Asahi Shimbun the evening edition (published on August 25) dated August 26, 1918, two-page article. Newspaper Museum Newspaper Reading Room Microfilm / Administrator Photographed (2011) The following 2 images. An article about "A white rainbow penetrate the sun". Hasegawa Nyozekan was absent and the article content was inadequately inspected. Immediately after noticing the inappropriate content, the relevant part was deleted (image on the right) and reprinted, but it was already after 10,000 copies had been distributed in the market.



The page with the "A white rainbow penetrate the sun" part removed. The background was that the Osaka Asahi Shimbun was in a fierce conflict with the Terauchi Cabinet, which is the cabinet of domain clique, military clique and bureaucrat. Suzuki Shoten, which made a profit from the soaring rice prices that caused the rice riots, had a close relationship with Foreign Minister Goto Shinpei.  Goto insisted on the aggressive theory of Siberian intervention, which is believed to be one of the causes of the soaring rice prices.  President Hara Takashi's Rikken Seiyukai was based on the landowners who were unwilling to sell the soaring rice.  For this reason, the Osaka Asahi Shimbun, which criticized Suzuki Shoten and landowners, received opposition from ministers and political parties too.  (Click the image to enlarge). 


―NEW― 実教出版社教科書に見る、現在も続く鉱夫への責任転嫁と歴史の捏造

-NEW-   The continuing shifting of responsibility onto miners and fabrication of history in Jikkyo Publishing textbooks


Sakubei Yamamoto's sketches of the Rice Riots, part of the World Memory Heritage "Coal Mine Paintings," are not based on historical fact.






 New high school curriculum guidelines have been implemented on an annual basis starting from the 2022 academic year. In the subject of" Geography and History", textbooks for the new "Modern and Contemporary History" have been used for first-year students starting in the 2022 academic year. After studying "Modern and Contemporary History," second-year students will be using the "Advanced Japanese History" textbook in the 2023 academic year.

 However, one of the two textbooks of Jikkyo Publishing's "Advanced Japanese History" textbooks contains an illustration that should not be there in the section on the rice riots. There are still works published showing miners throwing dynamite. 

 The story about the miners throwing dynamite (bombs) was a fabrication by the Army to justify the shootings and manipulate public opinion, and is not a historical fact.


"Yama's Rice Riots"  ("Yama" means coal mine)


The police mobilized all their forces to try to calm the situation, but the thugs and drunken miners did not take the saber-wielding officers seriously and did not back down easily.  Not only that,  miners use a common tactic used by to light up and throw dynamite, preventing the police from approaching carelessly. 

(the police)  "Quiet down! disband!"

(miners)  "Oh, what? Oh, so the police officer doesn't eat rice? (Aren't the policemen struggling to make ends meet with the rising price of rice?)   Beat him!"



This work is a product of Yamamoto Sakubei's imagination.  There is no evidence that a miner (Mineji Coal Mine, Soeda Town, Fukuoka Prefecture) threw dynamite at a police officer and caused an explosion.


実教出版社 文科省検定済 高校地理歴史科 「日本史探求」教科書『精選日本史探求 今につなぐ 未来をえがく』(2023年度使用教科書)

Jikkyo Publishing, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology certified, high school Geography and History textbook "Advanced Japanese History" "Exploring Selected Advanced Japanese History: Connecting to the Present, Painting the Future" (textbook to be used in 2023)

山本作兵衛の想像した作品を掲載した表題の教科書の項目、「59 改造の時代 米騒動 180ページ」。









The textbook entry, titled "59. The Age of Reform: Rice Riots, Page 180," features works imagined by Yamamoto Sakubei.

 Including this imaginative work in a high school Japanese history textbook, which explores historical facts, leads to a misunderstanding of historical facts.  This leads to a misunderstanding of the true nature of the coal mine rice riots and creates prejudice against the Chikuho miners (coal miners).  

 The miners were only carrying so-called "sticks," and there is no evidence that they confronted the police with knives, bombs, or dynamite.

 Like the 13 people shot dead during the Ube rice riots, one miner was shot dead at Mineji Coal Mine.  The Kokura 12th Division announced that they had shot and killed the miners in self-defense because they had endangered the lives of their soldiers by throwing dynamite (bombs), fabricating the story that the miners had thrown the dynamite (bombs) and shifting the responsibility onto the miners. Sakubei Yamamoto wrote this work based on his imagination, believing that the story of miners throwing dynamite, which was the result of the Army's manipulation of public opinion, was a historical fact.  Sakubei regretted drawing it from his imagination for the rest of his life. Sakubei's paintings of scenes from coal mines have been designated a World Memory Heritage and are highly valuable, but verification is needed to determine whether the works are based on historical fact.

 The Jikkyo textbook featured an imaginative illustration by Sakubei Yamamoto of a miner throwing dynamite at a policeman. The Army fabricated the story, claiming that the policeman shot and killed the miner in self-defense because he had thrown the dynamite, even though the miner was only armed with a stick. Publishing this work would serve to make the Army's fabrication a historical fact and justify the shooting.  It is speculated that the reason why Jikkyo published this piece was because the author mistakenly believed that the Army's fabrications were historical fact.

 This must be corrected immediately so that students do not have a wrong understanding of the coal mine rice riots.



List of items carried by miners at Mineji Coal Mine


The table below is a summary of the items carried by miners in the preliminary investigation conclusion decision for the rice riots at Mineji Coal Mine (Fukuoka District Court).








○In Sakubei's work, miners are depicted throwing dynamite and carrying axes, but this is not historical fact.

○In the Decision Document Preliminary Hearing, one of the miners was found guilty of using dynamite to blow up facilities within the mine, but this was not used with the intention of killing or injuring police officers or soldiers.

○In the Decision Document Preliminary Hearing, acknowledged that two miners were carrying axes and pickaxes, but the miners used them to cut the facility's pillars and destroy the gratings, and they did not carry them with the intention of killing or injuring anyone.

○These items are historical facts that have been established and determined by the judge based on evidence.



実教教科書訂正  Jikkyo Textbook Correction

指摘した図版は差し替えらた The illustrations mentioned have been replaced.






 The administrator has asked Jikkyo Publishing to remove the image in question.

Jikkyo has replaced the image as shown in the image below, in accordance with the administrator's request.

The original text is on the left and the corrected text is on the right.

Second-year students in 2024 will be using replaced textbooks.


2023年度版(令和5年度版)の左側の図版は、2024年度版(令和6年度版)では右の地図に差し替えられました。The illustration on the left in the 2023 edition (Reiwa 5 edition) has been replaced with the map on the right in the 2024 edition (Reiwa 6 edition).

2018年(平成30)8月18日午後8時10分 旧宇部銀行前(現ヒストリア宇部前)August 18, 2018 (Heisei 30) 8:10 pm In front of the former Ube Bank (currently in front of Historia Ube)

2018.8.18 午後8時10分 管理者撮影。August 18, 2018 8:10 pm Photographed by the administrator.
2018.8.18 午後8時10分 管理者撮影。August 18, 2018 8:10 pm Photographed by the administrator.

106年前(2024年基準)、1918年(大正7818日午後810分、船木警察署宇部分署前の常盤通りで13人の鉱夫らが射殺された。 鉱夫らは、分署の前で仲間の被拘禁者の釈放を要求していた。 しかし、この写真を撮影した場所付近から、兵士は歩兵銃43発を発射し、憲兵はピストル2発を発射しました。












103 years ago (on the basis of 2021), at 8:10 pm on August 18, 1918 (Taisho 7), 13 miners and others were shot dead on Tokiwa Street in front of the Ube branch of Funaki police station. Miners and others were demanding the release of fellow detainees in front of the branch police station. However, from near the place where this picture was taken, the soldier fired 43 shots with an infantry rifle and the military police fired two shots with a pistol.

 Gunshots roared, and thirteen people (or 14 people) were shot dead and 17 people were injured and fell the sidewalk (50m, in the direction of the yellow Braille block) from the front of Ube Bank.

 Among the dead was an 18-year-old adolescent from Iseki Village, Yoshiki County (currently Yamaguchi City).

 The injured were carried to the Ube branch police station and treated by doctors and nurses at the Yamaguchi branch of the Japanese Red Cross Society. It seems that there were other injured people besides the 17 because some of them were rescued by their peers.


 The building in the image is Ube Bank (currently "Historia Ube"). The Ube branch of Funaki police station, which the miners rushed, was across from Tokiwa Street, opposite Ube Bank. At that time, Tokiwa-Street was a narrow street, about the size of the current sidewalk, and was a downtown area called "all-night district." Due to the war damage reconstruction plan after the air raid, the width of the road was expanded to the left of the sidewalk to become a 50m road. The former site of the branch police station is currently a 50m road and Ube City Hall.

As shown in the map below, next to the branch police station was Ube Jihosha, which published " The Ube Jiho" once a week. "The Ube Jiho" reports sightings of the shooting scene (click / internal link), and the administrator considers it to be the most reliable newspaper article reporting the shooting of the military.

  At that time, Ube Village was the second largest village in Japan with a population of over 35,000, which developed rapidly due to increased production of coal (the first place in Japan is Hirano Village, Suwa County, Nagano Prefecture (currently Okaya city)).

 << Reference >> The Ube Bank during the rice riot was later rebuilt in the same position by Murano Togo's design in 1939, and after passing through the former Yamaguchi Bank Ube Branch, it is now Historia Ube. The city center was damaged by the Ube air raid, but the building was not miraculously damaged. In Ube City, there are the famous "Watanabe Memorial Hall" (important cultural property) designed by Murano, and the Ube ANA Hotel (currently ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Ube(Closed March 31, 2024)) designed by Murano in his later years and others.


The image shows the shooting site at 8:10 pm on August 18, 2018 (Heisei 30), 100 years after the incident. This night, as it was 100 years ago, the road surface on which the miners fell was wet and a moist wind was blowing.

  It was an unprecedented disastrous incident in which the military targeted and killed the people. I think it was possible to detain and detain the miners who rushed to the branch police station instead of shooting death. It is believed that there was no good reason for the military firing, and the manager pursues the truth.

2024.11.2 update


昼間のヒストリア宇部(村野籐吾設計。旧宇部銀行本店・旧山口銀行宇部支店)。発砲現場。管理者撮影。Daytime Historia Ube (designed by Murano Togo, former Ube Bank Head Office, former Yamaguchi Bank Ube Branch). Live ammunition firing site.Taken by the administrator.
昼間のヒストリア宇部(村野籐吾設計。旧宇部銀行本店・旧山口銀行宇部支店)。発砲現場。管理者撮影。Daytime Historia Ube (designed by Murano Togo, former Ube Bank Head Office, former Yamaguchi Bank Ube Branch). Live ammunition firing site.Taken by the administrator.
発砲現場略図。管理者作成。Schematic map of the shooting site. Created by the administrator.(画像をクリックすると拡大します。Click the image to enlarge.)
発砲現場略図。管理者作成。Schematic map of the shooting site. Created by the administrator.(画像をクリックすると拡大します。Click the image to enlarge.)


The scenery of Tokiwa-dori at the time of the military shooting. The left is Ube branch of Funaki police station. Ube Bank is on the right. Shinkawabashi is in the foreground. (Administrator photographed the exhibition image on the 2nd floor of "Historia Ube".


The current image seen from almost the same position as the previous image. The houses in front of the former Ube Bank is now a green area. After the air raid, the left side of Tokiwa-dori was expanded to a 50m road in the post-war city planning. The former Ube City Hall is on the left. (Photo by administrator)

船木警察署宇部分署(米騒動後の大正7年(1918)に宇部警察署に昇格)。「市制記念写真集」転写。 The Ube Branch of Funaki Police Station (promoted to Ube Police Station in Taisho7(1918) after the rice riot).  Transcription of "The city system enforcement commemorative photo book".



Ube Bank head office in the Taisho era (during the rice riot). There is a observatory tower on the roof. In the foreground is the fence of  Ube branch police station of Funaki police station. Tokiwa-dori is between the bank and the branch police office. (Administrator photographed the exhibition image on the 2nd floor of "Historia Ube"). The image before rebuilding of "Historia Ube in the daytime" above. Images from the same viewing angle. 


Tokiwa-dori on the night of 103 years after the Army fired.  I offered a flower to the on-site where 13 people were killed in the Army's shooting.  The "Tokiwa-dori" sign is where the Ube branch of Funaki Police Station was at the time of the rice riot. The road surface is also wet this night in 2021, when the coronavirus is prevalent.  (In front of Historia Ube (former Ube Bank).  August 18, 2021 8:10 pm, photographed by the administrator). 

Updated 2021.8.18.

2022.3.16更新 Updated 2022.3.16



Tokiwa-dori on the night of 104 years after the Army fired.  I offered a flower to the on-site where 13 people were killed in the Army's shooting.  The road surface is wet again tonight, when the number of corona infected people in Yamaguchi Prefecture reached a record high of 3494. (August 18, 2022 8:10 pm. In front of Historia Ube (former Ube Bank).  photographed by the administrator.) 


2022.8.18更新 Updated 2022.8.18


裁判史料              Trial's historical records

法政大学大原社会問題研究所(The Ohara Institute for Social Research Hosei University)。東京都町田市法政大学多摩キャンパス図書館内(管理者撮影)Inside the Hosei University Tama Campus Library, Machida City, Tokyo (photographed by the administrator)
法政大学大原社会問題研究所(The Ohara Institute for Social Research Hosei University)。東京都町田市法政大学多摩キャンパス図書館内(管理者撮影)Inside the Hosei University Tama Campus Library, Machida City, Tokyo (photographed by the administrator)














 The Ohara Institute for Social Research, Hosei University (click, external link) owns the handwritten copies of the historical materials which related to the preliminary hearing of the rice riot trial in Ube Village and Agenoshō Town. It is open to general researchers. The staff are polite and the reserved historical materials are ready and can be read in the reading room. You can also shoot historical materials. 

 Historical materials on the rice riots relating to Yamaguchi Prefecture and Fukuoka Prefecture have been bound into books, but there are no books about Saga Prefecture.


 The Yamaguchi District Public Prosecutors Office keeps the historical records of judgments from the first instance to the Supreme Court (“Trial” page (click / internal link)). Browsing for research is permitted by law, but since the method of browsing is not stipulated by law, it will be quite difficult to get permission to browse, and copying and memos are not possible.   

  The Yamaguchi District Public Prosecutors Office did not clearly answer why it did not allow viewing for research purposes and prohibited copying and memos. However, from the negotiations for viewing, the reason for the disapproval can be inferred as follows. 

  For example, in the "List of Indicted Persons" in " Study of the Rice Riot", the name and even the house number of the Permanent Address are listed, and the researcher infringes on privacy. In addition, in the body of the book, there is today the use of discriminatory terms that are considered serious human rights abuses in the Dowa issue. In addition, the public prosecutor's office does not have a museum function and there is no time for personnel, and there is no legal obligation to allow viewing, which seems to be the reason for not allowing viewing.

 However, the research on rice riots cannot be deepened unless the researchers protect their privacy and the public prosecutor's office permits copying.

 Takano Yoshisuke's "Rice Riot's Record" (1959) contains the ""Taisho 9 Criminal Trial Original Book "KO" " (Ube's rice riot judgment historical material) copied by Takano. Since copying was permitted in the past, it must still be permitted (the principle of non-retroactivity).



The administrator has applied to the Fukuoka District Public Prosecutors Office for permission to view the criminal trial verdict documents for the Mineji Coal Mine Rice Riots (September 24, 2024).

The Fukuoka District Public Prosecutors' Office acknowledged that the court decisions were being stored, but did not allow them to be viewed (phone call from the Records Clerk on October 25, 2024).

Added 2024.11.2


陸軍の出動史料  Army dispatch historical records

防衛省防衛研究所(The National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS))(史料閲覧室はこの建物の廊下を通過し、画像では見えませんが左側の建物にあります)と加賀門。東京都新宿区市谷・防衛省内。加賀門の右手の通用口を入ったところで許可を得ます。2016年8月に東京都世田谷区・防衛装備庁内から移転しました。(管理者撮影)
防衛省防衛研究所(The National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS))(史料閲覧室はこの建物の廊下を通過し、画像では見えませんが左側の建物にあります)と加賀門。東京都新宿区市谷・防衛省内。加賀門の右手の通用口を入ったところで許可を得ます。2016年8月に東京都世田谷区・防衛装備庁内から移転しました。(管理者撮影)

(The historical materials reading room passes through the corridor of this building and is in the building on the left, although it is not visible in the image) and Kagamon. Within Ichigaya, Ministry of Defense, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. You must get permission when you enter the entrance on the right side of Kagamon. In August 2016, the National Institute for Defense Studies moved from within the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo. (Administrator shooting)







 This institute holds historical materials recording the actions of the Army and military police dispatched to the rice riot in Ube. The historical materials reading room (click / external link) is open to the public, and you can browse materials such as "Ministry of the Army Diary" and "Ministry of the Navy Kobun Remarks" and receive expert advice.

 Enter from the Kagamon behind the Ministry of Defense in Ichigaya. After the move, security will be strengthened and a photo ID (driver's license, etc.) will be required. It is possible to take pictures of historical materials with a digital camera, etc. with restrictions (materials without covered binding, etc.).

  You can also browse the historical materials of "Matters of local disturbances based on rising rice prices" in the digital archive (click / external link) of the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records, National Archives of Japan. However, since it is a black-and-white image, details such as deficit, additional notes, pencil writing, and paper quality of the original historical materials cannot be read. (National Archives of Japan Center for Asian Historical Records Home (click / external link)) 




新聞史料      Newspaper as a historical materials

国立国会図書館(National Diet Library, Japan (NDL))東京本館。東京都千代田区(管理者撮影)Tokyo main building. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (photographed by the administrator)
国立国会図書館(National Diet Library, Japan (NDL))東京本館。東京都千代田区(管理者撮影)Tokyo main building. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (photographed by the administrator)










 The National Diet Library is the central library in Japan, and the Kansai-kan was opened (2002) because the holding capacity was approaching its limit.

 The National Diet Library is the largest and best library in Japan in every respect. If you have any questions, it is easy to talk to the staff in the hall, and the staff's explanations are polite and you can respond promptly.

 The newspaper reference room holds national newspapers, local newspapers, etc. in base papers, reduced editions / digital materials, microfilms, etc., and can be viewed and copied.


 Materials digitized by the National Diet Library can be viewed and copied on Internet terminals (click / external link) such as the Yamaguchi Prefectural Yamaguchi Library.

  The Prefectural Library holds photo-reduced editions of the "Bocho Shimbun," "Bakan Mainichi Shimbun," and "Kanmon Nichinichi Shimbun," which report on the rice riots in Ube in detail, and can be viewed and copied (The base papers of these newspapers are also in the collection). At the prefectural library, the staff are kind and polite.


 The most reliable article on the rice riots in Ube, "Ube Jiho," can be viewed and copied in photo at the Ube City Library (the base paper is owned by Ube Nippoh). The staff at Ube City Library are also kind and polite. The staff at Ube City Library are also kind and polite.




国立国会図書館関西館(Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library)。京都府相楽郡精華町(管理者撮影)Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto (photographed by the administrator)
国立国会図書館関西館(Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library)。京都府相楽郡精華町(管理者撮影)Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto (photographed by the administrator)






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