軍隊の出動と発砲 後半

Army dispatch and firing    Latter half


Miners' use of "dynamite" is fabrication.But why is it still described that "dynamite" was used in the Ube coal mine today?













  The Army forged that miners used dynamite (Minezi coal mine, Fukuoka Prefecture) and bombs (Ube coal mine, Yamaguchi Prefecture) to counter the army. This fabrication still exists today as a historical fact, so let's look at a concrete example.


" Narita Ryuichi"Taisho Democracy" (Iwanami Shinsho) 86 pages"

"There is also an article that dynamite was used at Ube Coal Mine."


Inquiries from the administrator to the Iwanami Shoten Shinsho editorial department and their progress. (Last update 2019.8.9)

(1)The administrator made an inquiry to the Iwanami Shoten Shinsho editorial department for the authority (newspaper name/date) of the description of "the article that dynamite was used" by post on July 14.

(2) Iwanami Shoten's new book editorial department responded by email to the administrator's inquiry (2019.7.30). Mr. Narita cannot show the authority and acknowledges the error in the description.

(3) The new book editorial department of Iwanami Shoten asked the administrator for understanding through the "Notification" that was answered by email (2). However, due to lack of explanation in the email, the administrator replied by email for further explanation and official correction, and inquired again (2019.8.2).

(4) The Iwanami Shoten's new book editorial department contacted the administrator's mobile phone (2019.8.7.11:23), and it was reported that Mr. Narita would rewrite this part in case of reprinting. It is unclear how it will be rewritten, but I would like to pay attention.



成田龍一『大正デモクラシー』シリーズ日本近現代史④ 岩波新書 2007年第1刷 86頁




Narita Ryuichi "Taisho Democracy" Series Modern Japanese History ④ Iwanami Shinsho 2007 1st edition, page 86 

  "In the Kyushu and Chugoku regions, riots of coal mines were reported one after another. At the Ube coal mine, demand for wage increases has been requested since June, but on August 16th, “The riot occurred, the miners etc. approximately 4,000 people attacked the rice commerce and other stores, destroyed Ube police station, cut telegraph telephone line, further set fire to coal mine office, coal mine clerk chief's house, etc. They attacked the Yukaku area of the town and set it on fire to ash." In this way, it became the riot in the city ("Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun" August 19th). There is also an article that dynamite was used. " 


成田龍一『大正デモクラシー』シリーズ日本近現代史④ 第8刷 Narita Ryuichi "Taisho Democracy" Series Japanese Modern and Contemporary History ④ 8th printing 2007, p. 86. Taken by the administrator. 2007年 86頁。管理者撮影。
成田龍一『大正デモクラシー』シリーズ日本近現代史④ 第8刷 Narita Ryuichi "Taisho Democracy" Series Japanese Modern and Contemporary History ④ 8th printing 2007, p. 86. Taken by the administrator. 2007年 86頁。管理者撮影。






   In addition to the description of Narita's dynamite, the article in "Tokyo Nichiichi Shimbun" is not accurate. The above article is based on "Yamaguchi Telegram", but the labor dispute of the Ube coal mine became a turmoil about 7:00 pm on August 17.  when it spread to the urban area about from 8:30 pm to 9 o'clock. The article "August 16" is incorrect. 

  Next, a crowd of miners and others rushed to Ube police station, but it was not destroyed because they requested release of fellow only. Moreover, the fact that the telephone line was cut cannot be confirmed. Telephones were available, and the troops dispatched to Ube and the police were in close contact with the regiment and the prefectural office in Yamaguchi Town by telephone. 

The arson by miners, etc. was completely burned down in 3 houses of Yukaku, 1 rich barn and 1 old coal mine barn.

  In addition, there was an arson in the house in the Yukaku and the house of the coal miner's security officers ("Otoryo"), but it had been extinguished the fire. There is no example of arson in offices, goods sales store, canteens, etc. in coal mines, and the article that arson to "coal mine office" is incorrect. 

At that time, there was  the "Ube ziho" in Ube Village, the "Bocho Shimbun" in Yamaguchi Town (a correspondent was dispatched to Ube Village during the rice riot), the "BaKan Mainichi Shinbun" in Shimonoseki City (a correspondent was dispatched to Ube Village during the rice riot), and the "Kanmon Nichinichi Shimbun" in Shimonoseki City. There are newspapers, and these newspapers convey facts accurately.




<Correction by reprint>

It is unknown when the reprint will be issued, but as soon as it is issued, the correction edition will be listed on the HP.



歴史認識に転換なし。書き換えは「ダイナマイト」→「爆弾」のみ There was no change in historical understanding. "Dynamite" was simply changed to "bomb."

成田龍一『大正デモクラシー』シリーズ日本近現代史④ 第18刷 Narita Ryuichi "Taisho Democracy" Series Japanese Modern and Contemporary History ④ 8th printing 2023, p. 86. Taken by the administrator. 2023年 86頁。管理者撮影。
成田龍一『大正デモクラシー』シリーズ日本近現代史④ 第18刷 Narita Ryuichi "Taisho Democracy" Series Japanese Modern and Contemporary History ④ 8th printing 2023, p. 86. Taken by the administrator. 2023年 86頁。管理者撮影。





Surprisingly, the only change was changing "dynamite" to "bomb."

There was no change in historical understanding in Narita and Iwanami Shinsho.

"Taisho Democracy" is a long-selling book.

The Army's fabrication that it fired live ammunition in self-defense after the miners threw a bomb (dynamite) will continue.






  Narita Ryuichi is a leading figure in modern history.   Since the description is suggested that the miners of the Ube Coal Mine used dynamite, so readers take it as a historical fact.

  However, Narita does not provide the authority to describe that miners used dynamite.  Thus, the use of dynamite has become a historical fact without any examination of the historical source material.

  In a coal mine, blasting (using dynamite and explosives) to dig a tunnel or break the coal bed.  For this reason, readers assume that miners are likely to bring out and use dynamite.  In reality, dynamite is strictly controlled.  Furthermore, since the Ube coal mine was a submarine mine and had a fragile coal seam, the blast was not used for mining at that time, but was used only for digging of mine tunnel.






  The prestigious Iwanami Shinsho created the historical fact that dynamite was used in Ube rice riot.  This is a typical example of how historical facts are created when readers trust their authority.

  In this way, false historical facts became widespread, and historical recognition was made that Ube miners used dynamite and that it was unavoidable to be shot dead.

  Narita believed the Army's discourse that the miner threw a bomb.  The truth of history is that in order to justify the shooting of miners, the Army has forged that miners threw bombs.










 Wikipedia "1918 rice riot" item description so far and correction by the administrator.


  "The rice riot led to coal mine riot" 

  "After August 17, the rice riot led to the coal mine riots in Yamaguchi Prefecture and Kitakyushu.   At Okinoyama Coal Mine in Yamaguchi Prefecture and Minechi Coal Mine in Fukuoka Prefecture, demand for wage increases by coal mine miners turned into riots.  The riot in Okinoyama Coal Mine mine developed into a riot of thousands of people, including local residents, causing the destruction of rice wholesalers, mansions, and arson to the amusement park etc.  Throwing a dynamite against the dispatched army to counter it, it became a tragedy that counted 13 dead. (Bold letters are added by the administrator.) 

  In Wikipedia, it is described as a historical fact that "the dynamite is used to counter the army."  The reader cannot not think because there is no description to explain the situation, and the reader think that the army was fired because the army had been in danger, and 13 people were killed. 

  The story that the army fired live ammunitions because a miner threw a dynamite (Minechi coal mine in Fukuoka Prefecture) and a bomb (Ube coal mine in Yamaguchi prefecture) to counter the army was a fabrication for the Army to justify the firing of live ammunitions.  If history is created that the Army fired because a miner threw a bomb and was dangerous, that would be the history the Army intended. 

  The above Wikipedia entry was corrected and added by the administrator in August 2018.



アジア歴史資料センターRef. C03011253500『米価騰貴ニ基ク各地騒擾ノ件』。



Report of Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi and Commander of Military Police (PDF/Created by administrator)

 Japan Center for Asian Historical Records Ref. C03011253500 “The description of the uproar incidents in various places caused by rising rice prices”

 〇“"Detailed report on the military mobilization to suppress against the riot of Ube Village, Yamaguchi Asa-gun", the report of Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi (August 25, Taisho7/1918, Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi→ Minister of the Army). PDF pages 1 to 22. 

“Report on the situation at the time of using weapons to suppress mobs” report of military police commander (August 28, Taisho7/1918. Commander of military police → Minister of Army). PDF pages 23-27.



Click the pop-out (arrow in the upper right corner of the screen) on the PDF screen to enlarge it and see all pages.

PDF27頁。PDF 27 pages.








   The above PDF file is a detailed report to the Army Minister by Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi one week after the soldiers shooting (August 25), and It is a detailed report to Army Minister by the military police commander 10 days after the soldiers shooting (August 28).  This report describes the situation when the soldier fired.  Higashimizome coal mine miners etc. have pushed to the Ube police branch in search of the release of fellow's detainees. At that time, the report describe that they were dangerous because they possessed deadly weapons such as Japanese swords, cranes and daggers, and that the army fired unavoidably under these circumstances. 

  However, the administrator considers that the descriptions of "Stolen all the oil and prepare dynamite" (2nd to 1st lines from the rear of the reference number 0530 of “ The report of Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi”) and the descriptions of "Japanese sword" and "Tsuruhashi" (the last line of the reference number 0533 and the 8th line of the reference number 0535 of “The report of Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi”) are misinformation or fabrication.  In addition, the same applies to “The report of military police commander” 0576, line 7, “Japanese sword, dagger”.

  According to court records and newspapers, the miners had clubs (weapons) such as "Senbon" or the stick part of the pick.  However, there is no mention that miners had strong killing weapons such as Japanese swords, cranes, and short swords in court materials and interviewed newspaper articles. However, the "Yamaguchi Prefectural Police History" published by the security authorities and the "Y-kun Participation Report" which the administrator considers to be a mysterious document include description about Japanese swords etc.

  In addition, the prefectural governor's report, which seems to have been created based on the information of field police officers, states "prepare dynamite." 

  Regarding the situation at the scene, officers and upper police officers pulled the Japanese sword and commanded his men, and soldiers fired bayonets, military police fired pistols, and police officers performed saber swords. In other words, it was the miners who were in danger, not the security authorities. In fact, all the dead and seriously injured were miners, and no soldiers or police officers were seriously injured. The miners were demonstrating in demand for the release of fellow detainees, and had no intention, motive, or ability to injure soldiers or police officers. The information that the miner had a Japanese sword or a crane was highly probable that security officials fabricated it to justify the shooting. 

  The fact that miners who rushed to the police branch carried and used dynamite and bombs is not mentioned even in the documents of security officials such as the report of Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi, military police commander's report, Yamaguchi prefecture police history. I think the Army's announcement that the miners who rushed to the branch of police station had possessed and used the bomb was a fabrication to justify the live ammunition firing. (Paper submitted by the administrator, “Yamaguchi Prefecture History Study No.22”)  In addition, I think that media such as "Osaka Asahi Shimbun," which reported the Army discourse, was used for public opinion manipulation by the Army.


なぜ軍隊は発砲したのか? Why did the army fire?

歴史的事実 Historical facts

裁判史料・現地取材報道と陸軍談話の相違点 Differences between court records/local coverage reports and Army discourse










《court records/local coverage》

  The demand for release of the detainees such as miners in front of Ube police station on the afternoon of the 18th persisted tenaciously.  There were miners who resisted in search of release without leaving the area in front of the  branch police office even after firing the empty gun around 7 pm.  In order to suppress the miners who have been stay on front of Ube police station, police officers take out the sword (approved by the prefectural governor...it seems to be the only example in history in the prefecture), and at 8:10 pm, soldiers fire 43 rounds and the military police Fired two live ammunition.

   The three regional newspapers ("Ube ziho", "Bakan Mainichi Shimbun", "Bocho Shimbun") write articles by sightings or by interviews with correspondents, so there is no big difference in the content of the articles.  However, articles in nationwide newspapers such as “Osaka Asahi” and “Osaka Mainichi” are often misreported because they are made by Yamaguchi telephone or Yamaguchi telegram from Yamaguchi prefecture, or Army discourse rather than by local coverage. 

  Local newspapers write articles with a strict position on the actions of miners who are mobs.  Considering this position, if there is a fact that a miner threw bombs or had a Japanese sword, it is impossible that all three newspapers interviewed in the field did not report this fact.  I think that the fact that all three newspapers do not list it indicates that there was no fact of throwing bombs or possessing a Japanese sword.


Army Report

The Army discourse asserts the legitimacy of firing live ammunition, citing that the miner threw bombs and was dangerous. It is presumed that the order to fire was given to battalion commander Shibuya (→ flight leader Nomi) → platoon leader Maehara, and the soldiers fired 43 bullets and the military police fired two. Ube's battalion headquarters was in close contact by telephone with Yamaguchi's regimental commander and brigade commander (Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi). There is a possibility that Ube's battalion commander was given permission to fire or ordered from his superior of Yamaguchi Town.

There is no report from Ube's mobilization forces that the miner threw bombs in front of the branch police office. There is also no report from Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi to Army Minister that the miners cast bombs in front of Ube police station.



陸軍談話はねつ造  Army discourse is fablication




  An army official said the miners threw bombs and the Army fired because it was dangerous.   However, there was a difference in the killing power between soldier bayonet, police officer saber and miner's club.  There was also a difference in the number of soldiers and police officers (estimated at 100 or more in total) and the miners who stayed on before the branch police office (estimated at 3, 40).   Soldiers and police had an advantage over miners.  The "dangerous situation" was rather with the miners who were protesting.  However, the miners who were arguing for the justification of the release request did not anticipate that the army protecting the national people would fire live ammunition.

   Although the miners was persistently requesting the release of fellow detainees in spite of his persuasion, he had no intention of injuring the soldiers/police officers, and in fact, no one was injured.  (Some were injured and treated by the Japanese Red Cross medical team).

   There is no mention of bomb throwing in newspaper reports from local interviews, court records based on records and testimony, and the Army discourse in Tokyo is not true. I think that the Army created the miners' bomb throwing to justify the shooting.

歴史認識  Recognition of history

軍隊の実包発射は異例  What the Army fired live ammunition is unusual



  Since the military dispatch is aimed at suppressing the people, the use of weapons is not prohibited.  However, firing live ammunition against the people is unusual. 

  It was an unusual case that the live ammunition was fired to the people of the "Naichi", although there was a precedent case of the Ashio Copper Mine riot case in 1907 (Meiji 40) (“The Moji Shimpo”).  The rice riot is intense in Osaka, Kobe, and Kure, and many soldiers of the Army and Navy  and police officers have collided with the crowd, resulting in many casualties. However, there was no firing of live ammunition, and only an empty gun.  Many of the deaths and injuries on the crowd side in the rice riot in these cities are due to bayonets and horses of soldiers.


シベリア出兵と12師団管轄地域  The Siberian Intervention and 12 division jurisdiction area



   In the rice riot in Kyushu and Yamaguchi that occurred on and after August 17, deaths from the army's live ammunition firing occurred in the Ube Coal Mine, the Minezi Coal Mine in Fukuoka Prefecture, and the Ochi Coal Mine in Saga Prefecture.(The army's live ammunition firing  was also carried out in other coal mine rice riot.)  All three coal mines were located in the area under the jurisdiction of the Kokura No. 12 Division (1st echelon, August 8-21st), which began the Siberian Intervention (bound for Primorskii, where Vladivostok is located) from Moji Port.   (In Yamaguchi Prefecture, the area of the 12th Division's administration is Shimonoseki City, Toyoura County, Asa County, and dispatch to war of soldiers had also begun in Ube-mura, Asa-gun.  During Ube rice riot, it was said that there was an agreement among the mobs that the house of the expeditionary soldier would not attack.  Most areas in Yamaguchi Prefecture are under the jurisdiction of the 5th Division of Hiroshima, and the 42nd regiment of Yamaguchi Infantry, which was dispatched to Ube Village, is also the 5th Division.  The fifth division dispatched to Baikal via Manzhouli in the following year (1919).)


アジ歴 Ref.C03011253500『米価騰貴に基づく各地騒擾の件』番号0465-0475。

The description of the uproar incidents in various places caused by rising rice prices the reference number 0465-0475




  The Minechi Coal Mine (Soeda-cho, Tagawa-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture), the Ube Coal Mine (Ube-mura, Asa-gun Yamaguchi Prefecture), and the Ochi Coal-mine (Ochi-mura, Higashimatsuura-gun, Saga Prefecture) are all jurisdiction under no.12 divisions. With the start of the Siberian Intervention, the dispatch to war of soldiers had also begun from the area. (However, it was the soldiers sent from another division that put down the Ube and Ochi coal mining rice riots). This suggests that the army's live ammunition firing was associated with the Siberian Intervention.



Click the pop-out (arrow in the upper right corner of the screen) on the PDF screen to enlarge it and see all pages.

管理者作成PDFファイル(史料中の茶色の傍線は管理者が付けた。)PDF file created by the administrator (The brown side line in the historical materials was added by the administrator.)



Ochi-mura, Higashimatsuura-gun, Saga Prefecture (currently Ochi, Karatsu City) Mitsubishi Mining Co., Ltd. Ochi Coal Mine Rice Riot August 29. The following 2 images taken by the administrator.

三菱相知炭坑竪坑跡記念碑(現唐津市相知・三栄興産株式会社本社)。「三菱相知炭坑竪坑跡 三菱鉱業株式會社 社長大槻文平(おおつき-ぶんぺい)書」
三菱相知炭坑竪坑跡記念碑(現唐津市相知・三栄興産株式会社本社)。「三菱相知炭坑竪坑跡 三菱鉱業株式會社 社長大槻文平(おおつき-ぶんぺい)書」

Mitsubishi Ochi Coal Mine Monument of Remain of a shaft  (currently Ochi / Sanei Kosan Co., Ltd. Headquarters, Karatsu City). "Mitsubishi Ochi Coal Mine Shaft Remain, Mitsubishi Mining Co., Ltd. President Otsuki-Bunpei Book"


シベリア出兵はじまる『西伯利出兵史』The Siberian Intervention start  "History of the Siberian Intervention"

秘 大正七年乃至十一年 西伯利出兵史 第一巻


第二編 關係諸國軍艦ノ概要、作戰地一般ノ地理及作戰經過ノ概要


第四章 作戦經過ノ概要


第一節 出兵ヨリ大正七年十一月ニ至ル












Secret Taisho 7th to 11th years History of the Siberian Intervention Volume 1


Part 2 Overview of related countries warships, overview about geography and battle strategy progress at general the war area


Chapter 4  Overview about battle strategy progress


Section 1 From troops dispatch to November of Taisho 7

Headquarters of Vladivostok dispatched army and the 12th division were dispatched to "Enkaisyu".


  As described in Chapter 2, the Empire decided on Siberian troops dispatch. The Empire ordered the dispatch of the 1st echelon to Primorskii Province under the command of the 12th Division Commander Oi Shigemoto (Note 1),  on August 5 of Taisho 7. Also, at the same time, the Japanese army proposed that the Allied Powers United States Commander, who intends to send troops to rescue the “Check, Slowak” army, delegate the command of the joint operation to the commander of the Japanese army. With that approval, Japan organized and dispatched the headquarters of the Vladivostok Dispatch Army.

   1st echelon commanded by the 12th Division Commander, departed Moji or Ujina (Note 2) from August 8th to 21st and headed for Vladivostok.

   Its mission is to work with the Allied forces to rescue the "Check, Slowak" army, and in Primorye it is the elimination of both Germany and Austria and the forces that support them. And its task is to maintain the security of the region.

  On August 10, in response to the Emperor's orders, the commander of the Vladivostok Dispatched Army, General of the Army Otani Kikuzo (Note 3), commanded the troops which was commanded by the 12th Division Commander, and commanded Allied forces too. The dispatched troops should advance to the vicinity of Khabarovsk as soon as possible to defend various points along the Usuri Railway (Note ④). Also, depending on the circumstances, Commander Otani was further tasked with preparing some of the Dispatched Army to proceed west along the Black Dragon Railway and the Black Dragon River. Under these duties, Commander Otani departed Tokyo on the 12th and landed in Vladivostok on the 18th to take command of the Allied Forces. However, at that time, the main force of the "Check, Slowak" army had transfered to the west. Some of the "Check, Slowak" troops remaining on the Primorsky Front were under pressure from the enemy, along with British, French and Russian "Karmykov" troops. In order to move forward rapidly to Khabarovsk without worry after the Allied forces left, Commander Otani felt a lack of troop strength in the general situation. For this reason, the commander of the Vladivostok Dispatched Army requested the dispatch of the second echelon, which is the unit commanded by the 12th Division Commander, based on the consensus of the representatives of the Allies. The second echelon landed in Vladivostok from August 26 to September 9.

(The underline has been added by the administrator.)


Note: 1) The 12th Division was the first division to dispatch to Siberia in August 1918, and its headquarters was in Kokura. At the time of the rice riot, northern Kyushu, including most of Fukuoka Prefecture, and parts of Yamaguchi Prefecture (Shimonoseki City, Toyoura County, Asa County) belonged to the 12th "Shikan". The Division Commander was Oi Shigemoto, the Army Lieutenant General. Oi became Commander of Vladivostok Dispatched Army in August 1919, and became General of the Army in November.  2) Ujina was a military port in Hiroshima City and was a military logistics base for the continent.  3) The first Commander of Vladivostok Dispatched Army was Kikuzo Otani, an army general. On August 15, 1918, boarded the Hong Kong Maru and departed from Ujina. After attending the welcome and farewell party at Moji, departed for Vladivostok. ("The Moji Shimpo" August 16, 1918).  4) Ussuri Railway.



発砲の真実 The truth of firing

















As explained above, soldiers and police officers were not at risk of life. 


Due to the shooting, 13 people were killed and 17 were seriously injured in front of the branch of police station. Among seriously injured persons, all of whom have been sentenced to first trial have been sentenced to imprisonment for a period of July to June due to for the active helping crime of rioting, and none have been sentenced to more than one year in prison. In other words, the miners who were shot dead were doing the same as seriously injured people, so if they were alive, they would have been punished to the same degree. 

The punishment for imprisonment from July to June cannot be said to be heavy, and it cannot be considered as a punishment for the purpose of killing or harming soldiers and police officers. On August 18, Higashimizome coal mine miners left the coal mine in search of the release of their fellows, and first gathered at Oimatsucho "Yukaku" backside Square. Miners etc. who stayed in the square without breaking the warning line were fined under the common standard for punishment for going along with the others crime of rioting.  The fine was 20 yen, the lightest of all criminal offenses. Miners etc. who broke through the military caution line and advanced to the front of the branch of police station from the Oomatsucho Yukaku back plaza without following the persuasion of the security authorities, were punished under the common standard for punishment for the actively helping of rioting. These miners etc. were sentenced to imprisonment from July to June on a common basis. 

The miners did not attack the shops as they did the night before. Judges have applied crime of rioting to the miners' demonstration action for demand of detainee release. Adoministrater thik that this is due to the strict punishment of the judicial authorities, the social movement, and the suppression of socialist ideas. 

  Then, if the soldiers were not at risk of life, why did army quickly shoot and suppress miners etc?

  The firing order was issued by Major Battalion Commander Shibuya Juichi, who commanded the scene, but it is possible that the battalion captain had instructions and permission from the superior of Yamaguchi-cho Kami-unorei, who had been in close contact by telephone.  Commander of garrison at Yamaguchi (the 21st Brigadier general) was Major General Hosono Tatsuo, and Commander of Yamaguchi infantry 42nd regiment was Captain IshikawaTadaharu. Further speculating, it may have been approved by the 5th divisional commander of Hiroshima's Army (Lt. Gen. Fukuda Masataro).  Also, the sword removal of the police officer was the permission of Nakagawa Nozomu, Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture. 

Is it possible to fire live ammunitions for the purpose of early suppression as the nature of public security operations? In Osaka and Kobe, soldiers and police officers clashed with crowds, and security officials were in a dangerous state.  However, it was only empty gun here. It was not illegal to fire in the unavoidable case of army security operations. However, firing live ammunitions to the nation people is something that should be avoided as much as possible and it is unusual. This unusual firing live ammunitions order was issued at coal mines in Ube and various parts of Kyushu, and there were deaths due to gunfire at three coal mines, the Ube Coal Mine, Mineji Coal Mine (Fukuoka Prefecture), and the Ochi Coal Mine (Saga Prefecture). 


  It is assumed that firing live ammunitions is related to the Siberian troop dispatch and the Russian Revolution. Siberian troops of the 12th Division (Ogura) had already departed on August 8, and they were also dispatched from Ube Village, Asa-gun, which is the area under the 12-division division (Yamaguchi Prefecture is Shimonoseki City, Toyoura County, Asa County). It is thought that the rice riot needed to be resolved early in order to prevent problems such as delays in the period of military dispatch due to the rice riot. In addition, the area under jurisdiction during the 12 divisions was under a semi-wartime regime, and there were many important steelworks, factories, and coal mines. I think it was necessary to suppress labor disputes and the rice riot at an early stage and carry out army's preventive dispatch to stabilize the economy and society in order to carry out the war.  According to the mobilization record (PDF archive), many soldiers had been dispatched to Yawata, where the government-owned Yawata Works was located, and Umi, where the Navy coal mine was, for a long time.

  At the time of the shooting, the bargaining on rice by the government and others began in earnest, and the rice riot in the big cities had almost settled by August 16. From this, it is considered that the change in the character of the rice riotr was the reason for the  firing of live ammunitions. Until the 16th of August, the rice riot was centered around the demand for rice price cuts by the people of big cities. The rice riot became a social problem, and it ended when the government and others started selling rice low. The rioting of coal miners starting from August 17th may have been severely suppressed because the military and judicial authorities recognized that the behavior was influenced by the "dangerous thoughts" of the Russian Revolution and the Socialist Revolution. 

It should be noted that it may be pointed out that there was a sense of superiority and a sense of discrimination against the miners as the reason for the shooting, but I cannot agree.


  Why did the army fire? Consideration of the relationship with Siberian troop dispatch and others is a future research topic.

発砲現場 Army firing site

発砲現場略図 Army firing site schematic

軍隊発砲現場の現在の画像 Current image of the military firing site


Former Shinkawabashi and Historia Ube (former Yamaguchi Bank Ube Branch, former Ube Bank). Image from the direction in which the Army launched the cartridge. The right is the former Ube Bank. There was Funaki Police Station Ube Branch Station across Tokiwa Street (Tokiwa Street was narrow before the air raid). After the war, Tokiwa-dori was expanded to the left and became a 50m road. The building on the left is the former Ube City Hall. Taken by the administrator from the direction of the old Shinkawabashi.



Historia Ube (designed by Togo Murano, former Yamaguchi Bank Ube Branch, former Ube Bank Head Office). Completed as the head office of Ube Bank in 1939. It was rebuilt in almost the same position as the building at the time of the rice riots (1918). Taken by the administrator.


陸軍の発砲により鉱夫等13名が射殺された現場(1918年(大正7)8月18日午後8時10分)。上の画像「ヒストリア宇部」とほぼ同じ位置からのスケッチ。柵のある建物が宇部銀行、隣が川口店(下図参照)。(『山口県警察史 上巻』に掲載されたスケッチ。管理者撮影)
陸軍の発砲により鉱夫等13名が射殺された現場(1918年(大正7)8月18日午後8時10分)。上の画像「ヒストリア宇部」とほぼ同じ位置からのスケッチ。柵のある建物が宇部銀行、隣が川口店(下図参照)。(『山口県警察史 上巻』に掲載されたスケッチ。管理者撮影)

"The terrible sight in front of the Ube Branch police station" (sketched by Okazaki Tadasuke)

The scene where 13 miners and others were shot dead by the shooting of the Army (8:10 pm on August 18, 1918 (Taisho 7)). A sketch from almost the same position as the above image "Historia Ube". The building with the fence is Ube Bank, and next to it is the Kawaguchi store (see the figure below). (Sketch published in "Yamaguchi Police History Vol. 1". Photographed by the administrator)


管理者は、宇部市真締川200周年記念まつり・地図作成委員会「宇部市旧市街地図-昭和初期1930年代」(1997年。宇部市図書館コレクション)の一部にカラーラインを追加しました。 茶色の線は、空襲前の新川橋、常盤通りの一部です。 水色の線は、空襲後の現在の新川橋、宇部市役所、常盤通りの一部です。赤い下線は、宇部支部警察署、宇部地宝社、旧宇部銀行(地図上の「山口銀行」、現在は宇部ヒストリア)、川口シール店(文房具)、小松屋雑貨店(貴金属)です。 宇部支部警察署と宇部地宝社は、戦後50メートルの幅に拡張された現在の常盤通りの中央部にありました。

The administrator added color lines a part of the Ube City Majime River 200th Anniversary Festival / Map Making Committee "Ube City Old Town Map-Early Showa 1930s" (1997. Ube City Library Collection). The brown line is part of Tokiwa-dori, Shinkawabashi before the air raid. The light blue line is part of the current Shinkawabashi, Ube City Hall, and Tokiwa Street after the air raid. The red underline is Ube Branch Police Station, Ube Jihosha, former Ube Bank ("Yamaguchi Bank" on the map, now Historia Ube), Kawaguchi Seal store (stationery), Komatsuya general store (precious metal). Ube Branch Police Station and Ube Jihosha were located in the central part of the current Tokiwa Street where was expanded to a width of 50 meters after the war.





  The blue lines are the current roads and sections that were redeveloped after the war after the air raid. The "current Shinkawa Bridge" connects the east and west roads of Shinkawa, so it is wider than the width of the bridge on the map.

  The lines of the brown pen are the roads and sections during the rice riot before the air raid. It can be seen that only the corner of the former Yamaguchi Bank (now Historia Ube) is the same as before the raid. The former Yamaguchi Bank is a prewar building that was not miraculously not damaged by air raids.


Ube City Majime River 200th Anniversary Festival / Map Making Committee "Ube City Old Town Map-Early Showa 1930s" 1997 (Ube City Library Collection). This is an enlarged image of a map copied at the library by the administrator. You can see that the wide road is the current Tokiwa Street that was expanded after the air raid, and the prewar Tokiwa Street and Shinkawa Bridge are narrow. On the lower left side of the map, there was the Okinoyama coal mine main pit barn (company housing) adjacent to the city area. (Can be expanded)










死者13名の中の大多数を占める東見初炭鉱の鉱夫は、炭鉱から向鉢巻をしるしにして押し出した。 左手前に鉢巻きをしてうつぶせに倒れているのは東見初炭鉱の鉱夫であろうか。


  A comparison of the 1930s map with a sketch of place of the firing called ""Terrible situation before Ube Plice Station" (1918). 

The sketch is drawn from the vicinity of Shinkawabashi, where soldiers fired, in the direction of Ube Police Station (a branch office at that time) and Tokiwa Street. 

Two soldiers are drawn on the upper right of the sketch, and the building with a fence next to it is the Ube Bank. (The map shows "Yamaguchi Bank". It was Ube Bank in the 1930s, but became a Yamaguchi Bank Ube branch after the merger of five prefecture banks in 1944.) 

In the sketch, there is a Kawaguchi store next to the Ube Bank. This is the "Kawaguchi seal stamp" store on the map, and next to it is "Komatsuya." Komatsuya, a miscellaneous goods precious metal store, was destroyed in the attack on the night of the 17th.  On the opposite side of Ube Bank and Tokiwa-dori, there was Ube branch office of Funaki police station (promoted to Ube police station after the rice riot) where miners requested and rushed for the release of detainees. Next to the branch police office, there was a building of Ubejihosha. At that time, Ubejihosha published the "Ubejiho" once a week and posted articles covering the time when the army fired. The firing place was in front of Ubejihosha, Ubejiho wrote "The article is the most impartial and extremely calm writing about the riot situation in Ube",and the content is reliable. 

Army soldiers deployed a sentry line from the front of the branch police office to Shinkawabashi, and fired live ammunition to the miners who advanced to the front of the branch police office in Tokiwa street in search of release of detainees. 

In the sketch, you can see that the miners shot dead is lying down in front of Ube Bank and in front of Komatsuya. There is an article that the miners were lying down within a range of about 50m from the front of the Ube Bank. 

The sketches include sword-shaped objects, bottles, and fish-shaped objects. The sword-shaped thing may have been made of wood or bamboo. Also, it may have been added by the sketched police officer. 

The miners of the Higashimizome Coal Mine, who make up the majority of the 13 dead, pushed out with the mark's white towels tied at the front of their heads from the mine to Tokiwa-dori. Is it the miner of Higashimizome Coal Mine  who wore a headband in front left of the sketch and is lying down?



鎮魂  Requiem







   Some miners also had local ex-soldiers. It was unthinkable, and unfortunate, that an army protecting the national people should target and shoot at them.

  Since the Meiji Restoration, until the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese Empire was developing with the aim of becoming "Sakanoue no Kumo" (Shiba Ryotaro). However, the burden on the people during the Russo-Japanese War was heavy, the society after the Russo-Japanese War was exhausted, and the sense of closure was growing. Confidence in the military was lost, and public opinion and from the newspapers were growing dissent against Siberian troop dispatch.

  If guns are fired against the national people without good reason, public opinion backlash is inevitable. Everyone must be convinced of the reason for the military firing. That is to say, the military needed to good reason that miners were throwing bombs, charging while swinging up a Japanese sword, and the soldiers were in danger. I suspect the military needed to fake the reasons for firing as described above.

  I suspect that 13 miners etc., handing a club in their hand, died without understanding why they were shot. Furthermore, the body was left on the street until the next morning, and was treated as a criminal and was not treated as human.

  I condolences to 13 people (including a 18-year-old youth miner) who died in front of the Ube police station, as well as those who subsequently died in connection with the case, and their families.


≪参考≫軍隊の発砲による死亡者  ≪Reference≫ Deaths from army firing

『宇部時報』(大正7年9月1日)をもとに管理者が作成。管理者は、プライバシーを守るため、名前を〇〇と記載した。Created by the administrator based on "Ube Jiho" (September 1, 1918). The administrator listed their name as 〇〇 to protect his privacy.
『宇部時報』(大正7年9月1日)をもとに管理者が作成。管理者は、プライバシーを守るため、名前を〇〇と記載した。Created by the administrator based on "Ube Jiho" (September 1, 1918). The administrator listed their name as 〇〇 to protect his privacy.









 この記事の最後に重傷者11名の名前も記載されている。この11名は宇部分署で治療に当った日本赤十字山口支部救護班の手当を受けた鉱夫らであろう(アジ歴海軍省公文備考大正8年巻120騒乱2止(9)ref.c08021485000 8ページ整理番号1224 防衛研究所)。




In "Ubejiho" (September 1), "In addition to the right (note: 13 people in the table), there is one person who does not have an underwriter and whose first and last name is unknown. Many of them are the Higashimizome coal mine miners and one is Ohata coal mine miner and two is carpenters."

  There is "one person whose surname is unknown" and one seriously injured person died two days later. I counted the dead two days later as seriously injured. There were 13 deaths including those whose name is unknown.  It is unknown whether the name of death person after severe injury is included in the table. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs records, the death toll is all 13 people.

  Imoto Mitsuo's book cites the paper by Hino Yasuhiko and describes the death toll of Ube rice riot as 14 people. This is because it includes fatalities after serious injuries.

  Due to the above, 10 or 11 miners of the Higashimizome coal mine were killed, and one other miner of Ohata Coal Mine and two carpenters were killed. 


"Ubejiho" (August 21st) describes the 13 dead persons as follows. "It is noteworthy that one Korean person is included in this dead person. Several Koreans, including this one, have also joined the riots the night before".However, the article dated September 1 does not mention the death of Korean.

  The 13 dead people in the above table are Japanese, judging from their place of birth (hometown). If there are 14 dead people, it is possible that there were Korean deaths, but it cannot be clarified. 


The names of 11 seriously injured persons are also listed at the end of this article. The 11 people may be miners who were treated by the Japanese Red Cross Yamaguchi Branch Rescue Team at the Ube branch police station.  Japan Center for Asian Historical Records Department of Navy "Kobunbiko" Taisho 8 volume 120 Mayhem 2 (9) Ref. C0802148500 p.8 the reference number 1224 (The National Institute for Defense Studies).

   Among the seriously injured, miners found guilty in subsequent trials were sentenced to imprisonment from July to June. The miners who were shot dead were imprisoned from July to June if they were alive, and it is considered that they were not acting criminally enough to kill them by firing.The weapons and the number of personnel of the security authorities at the time of shooting were superior to the weapons and the number of miners, and I think that it was possible to arrest instead of shooting.





  [宇部村内暴動 大正七年八月一七日




<<Remarks on the relief of the injured at the Japanese Red Cross Yamaguchi Branch>>

  Marumoto Shinzo, "The memory of the rice riot in Ube, Yamaguchi Prefecture" ("Ryoyu", August howa11/1936). "Study of the rice riot" Vol.5, p.432. 

  "History records of the Yamaguchi Branch of the Japanese Red Cross Society include the following as matters relating to military relief.

   "the riot in Ube Village August 17, Taisho7/1918

  A first-aid station is set up in Ube branch of the police station, 13 seriously injured patients (riot group), Outside there are four military personnel, twenty-nine police officers, Seven ordinary people, Closed station on the 23rd of the same month"

  This is the finanl report of the riots at this time. However, there is something hidden in this. It is the number of many dead, innumerable minor injuries, and the number of severely injured mobs who fled. If these are added, the final report will become more serious."
